To all potential and existing Thrive clients:
It has been quite the ride this year. At Thrive, every day is a matter of considering the ethics of client care. This has extra weight in an era where the negative effects on mental health of lockdowns and social distancing compete for the effects of COVID-19 itself. A spike in the urgency of individuals and couples accessing our services strongly suggests that our work is essential. As Dr. Henry imposes medically guided limitations on household gatherings, we are reminded that this is so that schools and health services may continue to operate. We are no exception, and so to do so as safely as possible we have updated our COVID-19 response policies.
Updated COVID-19 policies:
- All individuals or couples booking in-person sessions of any kind will be asked to complete a COVID-19 screening questionnaire before each appointment.
- Masks are required by counsellors and clients in our waiting room and are to be worn right up until sitting down and beginning the session.
- We have restricted our smaller Green Room to only web-based sessions. Meanwhile, our Blue and Orange Rooms operate for in-person work given their allowance of eight feet of distance.
- As the session begins, your counsellor will ask if you would prefer to keep masks on for the session. Should you prefer to maintain use of masks, the sessions will be conducted with face coverings.
- As the session finishes, you and your counsellor will again dawn masks as you move towards the exit.
Existing COVID-19 policies that remain in effect:
- If you typically use our online booking system, you will notice that sessions for both WEB-BASED and IN-PERSON counselling are available. Please ensure you are booked for the correct type of session and that you have spoken with your counsellor about in-person sessions prior to coming to our centre for an in-person session.
- For those choosing in-person services an informed consent intake form will be sent out guiding you through responsible awareness as related to face-to-face counselling.
- We ask that if you are displaying any symptoms, regardless if you believe it is a cold or flu, or possible COVID-19, to not enter the office and cancel your session. We will be flexible with our cancellation policy if you come down with cold and flu-like symptoms if you cancel prior to session. However, if you arrive in office without cancelling and you are showing symptoms, we will unfortunately have to cancel our session and charge the full amount.
Distancing & Sanitization Policies:
- There is hand sanitizer in the waiting room. We ask clients to use this promptly upon entering the office or to use the bathroom sink to wash your hands.
- In order to allow more space and physical distancing, please do not arrive for your session more than 5 minutes prior to your session time; if you arrive earlier than this, if weather is permitting please wait outside or in the hallways of the Rogers Building.
- We have temporarily removed all reusable mugs, but will provide disposable cups for water, coffee or tea.
- Surfaces touched by clients will be disinfected between sessions.
- Clinic cleaning procedures: we will be sanitizing all door knobs, handles, and commonly touched surfaces throughout the day, as well as at the start and end of each day and after each client leaves.
- Thrive continues to utilize digital payments done through our online booking system, Jane. This minimizes risk of infection due to physical cash or cheque.

Carson Kivari is the Founder and Clinic Director of Thrive Downtown, with years of experience helping individuals and couples overcome anxiety, depression, and burnout. He guides clients on a journey of self-exploration and trauma release to find purpose, connection, and safety. Take the first step towards healing and contact Carson today to schedule a session.